Descargar Ebook BookesLa curacion espontanea de las creencias (Spanish Edition)

a libros gratis La curacion espontanea de las creencias (Spanish Edition)

a libros gratis La curacion espontanea de las creencias (Spanish Edition)

a libros gratis La curacion espontanea de las creencias (Spanish Edition)

Puede descargar en forma de un libro electr�nico: pdf, kindle ebook, ms palabra aqu� y m�s soft tipo de archivo. a libros gratis La curacion espontanea de las creencias (Spanish Edition), este es un gran libro que creo.
a libros gratis La curacion espontanea de las creencias (Spanish Edition)

Una larga serie de pruebas cientificas indican que el Universo funciona como un gigantesco ordenador basado en la conciencia. Asi como cada ordenador usa un lenguaje para crear sus resultados, el ordenador de la conciencia del Universo usa nuestras creencias para ""hablar"" a la sustancia de la que estan hechos nuestros cuerpos y el mundo. Al reconocer que todo, desde el ADN de nuestros cuerpos hasta el exito de nuestras relaciones y la paz de nuestro mundo esta basado en lo que creemos, lo que pensamos de nosotros mismos se vuelve mas importante que nunca. Nuestros antepasados usaron los milagros para cambiar sus creencias. Nosotros actualmente usamos la ciencia. / What would it mean to discover that everything from the DNA of life, to the future of our world, is based upon a simple Reality Codeone that we can change and upgrade by choice New revelations in physics and biology suggest that were about to find out! A growing body of scientific evidence suggests that our universe works like a Consciousness Computer. Rather than the number codes of typical software, our Consciousness Computer uses a language that we all have, yet are only beginning to understand. Lifes reality code is based in the language of human emotion and focused belief. Knowing that belief is our reality-maker, the way we think of ourselves and our world is now more important than ever! For us to change the beliefs that have led to war, disease, and the failed careers and relationships of our past we need a reason to see things differently. Our ancestors used miracles to change what they believed. Today we use science. The Spontaneous Healing of Belief offers us both: the miracles that open the door to a powerful new way of seeing the world, and the science that tells us why the miracles are possible, revealing: why we are not limited by the laws of physics and biology as we know them today. Once we become aware of the paradigm-shattering discoveries and true-life miracles, we must think of ourselves differently. And that difference is where the spontaneous healing of belief begins.
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